Welcome to Mr. Corn’s blog for Precalculus and Math 181. Here you’ll find student reviews of what’s going on in Precalculus and other helpful information about precalculus.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Precalculus 1/03/10

Here's the base graph for SEC

every odd integer is the domain

is the range

is the period

here's the basic points on the graph.

Here's the basic graph for CSC

are the basic points

is the period

this is the graph SEC(2x)

here are its points

is the domain when n is an integer

is the period

this is the graph 2SEC(x)
it streches it AND moves up two

are the points

is the period

HELPFUL HINTS Basic graphs have the same pattern of nulls and integers.
2 infront of the x streches it a bit AND moves it up to two.

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