Welcome to Mr. Corn’s blog for Precalculus and Math 181. Here you’ll find student reviews of what’s going on in Precalculus and other helpful information about precalculus.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog posting requirements

If it is your turn to post to the Madeira Precalculus blog, here is the rubric for your post. Each post is worth 10 points. Here's the breakdown:

1 point - Name and title

1 point - Date

2 points - time of post (before 6:00 pm)

5 points - include any definitions, important ideas, steps, equations, graphs and most importantly, any helpful hints that would help other students. Any good student quotes of the day would also be fun...

Use the sitmo gadget to enter equations and Geogebra to enter graphs. There are movie links on how to do this.

Always make a link to my web page at http://web.mac.com/jeffcorn/iweb

Have fun with this!

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